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Revision strategy 3

My revision strategy is going to be one that focuses on organizing ideas correctly and analyzing the correct quotes, and adding in the information needed to support them. I spent a lot of time working on my thesis with my groupmates and it helped me out a lot actually. The way my thesis was originally structured showed a flawed set of ideas that lacked the ability to give the essay any real structure. My new essay’s thesis allows me give strong claim sentences and allow for ideas to flow of their backs. I also I have to work on my organization skills with my ideas. I have good ideas but the paragraphs don’t make any sense with their position. So i’ll be putting my essay under scrutiny in the way the ideas are positioned. Also my spelling and grammar were not the best in the world last essay only bc I did not take my time when editing and even writing, I am still trying to figure out ways to get around this. All of this will help me write and create a much better paper and help me get a better grade.

Formidable Source

I chose an essay written by G.K. Chesterton on mans impulses and turning mundane, comical acts into exciting events that make life not so mundane. The main piece from the essay that I take away is when he talks about how chasing a hat in the wind is just as trivial as having sex. “And the most comic things of all are exactly the things that are most worth doing—such as making love. A man running after a hat is not half so ridiculous as a man running after a wife.” A quote from the essay talking about how even the most comical of tasks are important. Turing the mundane everyday task into an exciting adventure will make your life better. Another example from the text is when he mentions to his friend that instead of thinking that the drawer is stuck everyday, he should turn the struggle of opening the drawer into an intense struggle with an equally intense force keeping the drawer from opening. Thus creating a sense of adventure out of a seemingly mundane and irritating task. The reason why I’m choosing this essay is because I am going to use the ideas presented by Chesterton to say that you should get off the internet and create adventure out of the mundanes of life and create adventure not sit on the computer looking for meaning. The reason that I think that this essay is acceptable and credible is for the fact that it came of the electric typewriter website that was provided and its also off a website names Quotidiana which is a public domain website that hosts 420 public domain essays all of which are classic essays. Also the website ends in .org, meaning that the website is a non-profit (referenced from our library visit), so why would they support lying when they’re hosting public domain essays? Ways that I could relate this to my other sources are simple, the essay in wish to use is commenting on the purpose of life when it comes to simple tasks, relating directly to Wasick’s essay “My crowd experiment” because Wasick talks about being so bored and lazy that he create a club specially for people who are too lazy and bored to do anything meaningful. Also applies to Anderson’s essay, I feel like maybe if people could slow down and make adventures out of their distractions then maybe more creativity would come of them. Learning how to embrace the distraction will be a main focus for my essay.

Reading with a purpose #2

I think that Bill Wasick attempted to find purpose, he was trying to find something to fill the void he has. In the beginning of his essay he mentions that he is usually bored, and he can’t find time to finish any of the projects he has that are floating around in his head. One of the problems with being bored and trying to find ideas to do things and entertain your self, sometimes you get lazy with the thought of even doing those things. But thats why the idea of the flash mob is so smart because it literally requires you to do nothing but show up and take part in an activity that requires little to no energy. Maybe, Wasick is trying to find his purpose within bringing people together for literally no reason, to be virtually lazy. Yet the power of the group can be seen in this experiment as the movement made it all the way to Rome by the 4th MOB meeting, this format proves to be a platform for social movements.  But I don’t think that you can find meaning and purpose through the internet, your purpose and meaning are always out there its up to you to find it. That doesn’t mean sitting on the internet searching for clubs and “mobs” to join because you’re too lazy to do anything meaningful. Yet, the argument can be seen from the other side that with the new technology available being able to congregate in groups of other people looking for purpose and meaning. Maybe you could get directed in the direction that your meaning is in, you could visit another country with your new friends.

Reading with a purpose #1

First off, the second MOB project was the one that gained traction publicly with a request to get interviewed by the New York magazine and several other newspapers giving the idea the public eye that allowed it to evolve. The idea of the MOB’s themselves were a simple universal idea, to just congregate in a common area and do things as a group but that thing could easily be nothing.  This was the internets first meme, an easy relatable event that spreads easy through pop culture, the internet galvanized this process, the idea went viral due to the fact that people were bored and latched on to anything that would get them up and moving, get them involved in something. The internet has allowed for instant communication with people all over the word, this helped the spreading of the flash mob to other parts of the country, Bill received emails from Boston, Minneapolis, and other cities. But before the days of the internet this would not have been achievable. Also, the internet allows us to meet and create groups with people who also have a like mind, allowing them to create and build on each others ideas. Thats exactly what happened with this flash mob experiment.


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The ideas expressed on this page are ideas and thoughts that I personally align with and relate too immensely. But i feel like a lot of people my age suffer from being bored and wanting to do something but never actually getting anything done. For example, i’ll sit on a couch with my friends for an hour arguing on what we should do and never actually end up doing anything. But these moments of boredom have allowed for creative thinking and the ability to create and destroy, we created games similar to hide and seek, sometimes even bike around the neighborhood trying to find new places to go even though we knew there was nothing new to find. Also, the boredom prone test spikes my curiosity, it seems like a cool test that everyone should take for fun or to see if you’re actually boredom prone.

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I enjoyed the authors own evaluation of himself on this page after he took the boredom test. The average score on the test was a 10 and Bill Wasick scored a 16, this was probably an important piece of back story for the reason why he started the flash mobs. He mentions a point that he gets distracted easily and can never finish anything, yet he is praised for this and called artistic and imaginative but nothing ever gets done. Its a very ironic realization.

Clunky Sentences


The world we live in today has been changing more rapidly than we have ever seen within the past 200 years. As the human race, we will adapt eventually and slowly, but the brain is trying to pick up the much needed slack by “multi-tasking”. But the brain has never had to deal with this sort of “information overload” dealing with multiple streams of information all happening in similar areas of the brain. But, when the brain finds a way to deal with this by not labeling the mind’s band aid solution as a “mental health” epidemic and feed children mind numbing medication that essentially reverse the current period of evolution, and also not pushing children into a corner forcing them to “over focus” and develop other mental health issues.



The world we live in today has been changing more rapidly than we have ever seen within the past 200 years. As the human race, we will change and adapt to our new surroundings. Although the brain has never dealt with this much information. It will soon find a way to allow all of the information pouring to be dealt with efficiently. The brain deals with trial and error, going back to the saying only the strong survive. ADD and ADHD seem to be part of this process, natural selection. We as the human race cannot hinder this process with drugs. Also we cannot demonize the brain changing just because we do not understand this change well enough.

Revision Plan #2

My revision strategy for this upcoming paper will be to be open the idea of peer review and allowing myself to take the criticism and allow myself to give it as well. I will look to how my sentences are formed and the words being used within those sentences. I feel as though I could amp up the diction that I use in my essays giving it the extra push it needs to be better than decent, and actually notice that i need to cite my sources. When peer reviewing other people’s work, I have to actually do it and not be so scared to read and give input. As I stated in my learning logs, I just feel as though my ideas and thoughts will prove useless when editing and trying to make an essay better. There are people in this class that are much better at that sort of thing than I. Also my ideas and flow of the essay needs work as well as I will be keeping a close eye on the global revision aspect of the paper, I need to see the whole picture and better analyze the work in that aspect. If I am able to do all of this then I will be able to write a better paper and get a better grade than last time.


That being said the brain is trying to come up with ways to complete overlapping tasks that it previously did not have to deal with. It may take some time before the brain can figure out how to effectively deal with these tasks but for now we lose information and efficiency when taking part in competing tasks. ‘Some doctors who are subsidized by big pharma will object to these claims, and conceding to the fact that although Anderson may not be a neurologist he makes solid points with even more solid research.’

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