When editing other’s essays I try to pay attention to the way they write and how they use their own voice when giving details and the diction they chose. At the beginning of the essay, comment one draws the use of lame diction to attention. The author used the word “powerful” over and over again till it became dreadful to read. I suggested using other words besides powerful to give strength to the paper. The second comment made was about how there was a simple spelling error where there was a messing is. It made the paper sound much better after it was implemented. Towards the middle of the paper i questioned an idea that was presented, comment three reads “With this easy access to a powerful tool that can do the work for us society can become addicted to this necessity. Comment (Are we addicted to being lazy? or are we addicted to the endless streams of information?) Code: I. I tried to give new light to the situation and give a different angle of thinking.