I am a Freshman in college, I am from Plymouth, Massachusetts where the pilgrims landed, I am currently a (former) history major (changed to environmental science). I play football and I enjoy reading and writing but not like writing essays just kinda like writing whatever comes to me in the moment. I love my hair but it gets tangled and knotted all the time anyways so I’m debating getting dreads, still up for debate. My views on writing have developed since the beginning of this class. My philosophy on writing is that it serves as an escape when used correctly in the correct way. Writing essays for classes, things of that nature render useless education value. The reason being that their artificial, they aren’t a true piece of writing we are simply analyzing someone else’s ideas that aren’t our own. We should be taught to create our own ideas and own philosophies not write papers how someone else is “smart” and has a great mind. I think my favorite form of writing is in sporadic poems and random ideas because I feel that is when the mind is truly free. I feel that organization is where ideas go to die and creativity is lost. This sadly is how we must write though.