1. Writing is a process that involves constant revision as I have come to learn in my years of high school and these past weeks here at UNE. Come to find out, the difference between writing a decent and good paper is the extra revising and editing put into it at the end. The importance of global revisioning is to write or edit your paper in a manner that endorses clarity and well thought out ideas that are cleanly managed into thoughtful paragraphs.The importance of this for writing paper is that usually when i begin to write papers I throw all of my ideas onto a piece of paper and hopefully they fall into place. But, recently I have been able to be better at organizing my thoughts into more of a rhythm than just letting ideas be loose on the paper.The importance of local revision is to make sure the reader can understand your ideas and they can follow easily. I’ve found that this is crucial to my success as a writer not only because I am dyslexic but also because it makes for a smooth read.
  2. Starting senior year I had an english teacher who emphasized the use of quotes and integrating them into your work as if you were saying the words yourself. For example, I took a class on shakespeare and we reviewed Macbeth and Hamlet. I had to use the quotes and stanzas he had used in my own sentences. This was a huge help when it came to writing and adding in other people’s work. In this class I use those same skills in the papers that we write, I used a quote from anderson’s paper that was useful in one of my essays. I was able to bend the quote and use ellipsis to craft the quote into something that was useful to the point that I was trying to convey. “The brain is trying to compensate and “multitask” but “many researchers have proved time and time ago that multitasking is an… institutionalized.. myth.”(Anderson 4). The brain has never had to deal with this level constant information, with that being said the brain is trying to come up with ways to complete overlapping tasks that it previously did not have to deal with.” This was the quote that I used in my essay that was from Anderson’s article/essay.
  3. Before this class when annotating an essay or piece of work critically I would simply glaze over the piece of work, finding ideas or phrases that would pertain to what I was trying to write or begin my essay by finding ideas. This technique didn’t actually work very well because I wasn’t truly interacting with the words on the paper. When I interact with the essays and form my own ideas and opinions It allows for ideas to flow more seamlessly. When annotating Anderson’s work it was easier to react to the ideas, under line, and the write comments about my thoughts in the margins that would later prove useful to the essay that we are writing right now.  
  4. When it comes to peer review, I am not the best. I will be the first to say that I need work in this area of writing especially in this class when it’s practically all we do. I have not created any useful strategies because honestly I don’t enjoy peer review at all and have been close minded to doing it but because it’s a large part of the grade I am inclined to not be as close minded. Sometimes i also feel that people are much better at it than I am and my thought process is that how could any of my feedback possibly help or improve their paper in any way. It has though helped me when I read and revise my own papers when I see the techniques and the way other people peer review which I find interesting. So yes, I guess you could say that I have developed some techniques but it’s more of seeing the way other people edit and then I just copy the way they do it.
  5. When documenting my work using MLA format It’s been pretty simple and straightforward since I began using it all the way back in middle school. The only difficulty that lies with MLA formatting and citations is when it comes to citing sources that lack proper information. For example, when you’re using a website that has no author or date is hard to cite correctly. But when it comes to citing books and articles it’s pretty straight forward considering you can just look up the correct way to write it.
  6. When it comes to using grammar and correct spelling I find this part of the paper to be very important because if someone cannot sit through six pages of writing because of how poorly the sentences are constructed then that is a fundamental flaw that must be dealt with. I have improved on my word choice and grammar because sometimes, due to my dyslexia, sentences get mixed up and then you can barely read it. This has costed me points on past essays because I was either in too much of a rush or simply was not paying attention to the essay I was writing. So my attention needs to improve as well as taking my time and writing concise cohesive sentences