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Revision Plan #2

My revision strategy for this upcoming paper will be to be open the idea of peer review and allowing myself to take the criticism and allow myself to give it as well. I will look to how my sentences are formed and the words being used within those sentences. I feel as though I could amp up the diction that I use in my essays giving it the extra push it needs to be better than decent, and actually notice that i need to cite my sources. When peer reviewing other people’s work, I have to actually do it and not be so scared to read and give input. As I stated in my learning logs, I just feel as though my ideas and thoughts will prove useless when editing and trying to make an essay better. There are people in this class that are much better at that sort of thing than I. Also my ideas and flow of the essay needs work as well as I will be keeping a close eye on the global revision aspect of the paper, I need to see the whole picture and better analyze the work in that aspect. If I am able to do all of this then I will be able to write a better paper and get a better grade than last time.

1 Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    Mitch, I like your honesty, here. I think a huge part of learning is to honestly engage with the learning process. Keep showing up and try to count every experience as an experienced gained.

    As far as peer review is concerned (and other aspects of this writing process) try to view yourself as a reader with legitimate and valuable opinions and reactions. If you feel lost while reading a paper, say so! Then challenge yourself to figure out when and why you got lost. This process will help you as you revise your own work. It seems like you’ve already identified this truth, however! Keep up the honest engagement. It will take you far!

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